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Artificial Intelligence for Medical Data with Python
Subject Category: ICT - Information & Communication Technologies

Start date: 06/10/2024

Program Information

REGISTRATION PERIOD: 10/07/2024 - 18/10/2024
COURSE PERIOD: 06/10/2024 - 20/10/2024
DURATION: 15 days

Scientific Responsibility: SYMEONIDIS PANAGIOTIS

Academic Responsibility: SYMEONIDIS PANAGIOTIS

INITIAL COST: 120,00 € (Program Discounts)


Program Description

Subject & purpose of the training program:
This educational program presents the important algorithms from the main scientific fields of Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence using as case study the Health domain and Medical data. The programme is addressed to professionals in the field of Information Technology, as it covers the advanced topics that shape the field
of Medical Intelligent Systems with python. It additionally provides developers with a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts of Medical Intelligent Systems, and presents all new methods and techniques through realistic and modern examples using the Python programming language. Accompanying material of the training programme:
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the programme the trainee will be able to:
1. Understand and implement Intelligent Systems for Alerting Doctors for Patients' Health using for Electronic Health Records
2. Understand and implement Prompt Engineering (chatGPT) for GenAI using Electronic Health Records and Text data
3. Understand and implement Machine Learning algorithms for Predicting Drug Combinations for Patients,
4. Understand and implement classic algorithms (linear regression, etc.) for Predicting Drug-Drug unwanted side Effects
5. Understand and implement Artificial Intelligence algorithms (Reinforcement Learning) for Predicting Optimal Dose of a Drug,
6. Understand and implement Deep Leaning (CNNs) for image recommendation
7. Manage and Secure Big Medical data with Central and/or Local Differential Privacy
8. Ethics in Big Medical data (e.g. MIMIC data set)
Implementation Methology:
[Online Distance Learning]
Blended Learning (Modern Distance Learning)
Evaluation Methology:
The evaluation will be with the delivery of the python code for one programming exercise
Minimum requirements of the candidates:
High School Degree
Maximun number of candidates:

Program Description

Subject & purpose of the training program:
This educational program presents the important algorithms from the main scientific fields of Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence using as case study the Health domain and Medical data. The programme is addressed to professionals in the field of Information Technology, as it covers the advanced topics that shape the field
of Medical Intelligent Systems with python. It additionally provides developers with a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts of Medical Intelligent Systems, and presents all new methods and techniques through realistic and modern examples using the Python programming language. Accompanying material of the training programme:
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the programme the trainee will be able to:
1. Understand and implement Intelligent Systems for Alerting Doctors for Patients' Health using for Electronic Health Records
2. Understand and implement Prompt Engineering (chatGPT) for GenAI using Electronic Health Records and Text data
3. Understand and implement Machine Learning algorithms for Predicting Drug Combinations for Patients,
4. Understand and implement classic algorithms (linear regression, etc.) for Predicting Drug-Drug unwanted side Effects
5. Understand and implement Artificial Intelligence algorithms (Reinforcement Learning) for Predicting Optimal Dose of a Drug,
6. Understand and implement Deep Leaning (CNNs) for image recommendation
7. Manage and Secure Big Medical data with Central and/or Local Differential Privacy
8. Ethics in Big Medical data (e.g. MIMIC data set)
[Online Distance Learning]
Blended Learning (Modern Distance Learning)
Evaluation Methology:
The evaluation will be with the delivery of the python code for one programming exercise
Minimum requirements of the candidates:
High School Degree
Maximun number of candidates:

Program outline

Teaching Unit 1: Health Data Management
Descriptiona. Introduction to the fundamentals of Data Science.

b. Health data types (vital signs, ΜRI, ECG, CT scans/images, waveforms/signals, etc.)

c. Electronic Health Record (EHR) (Demographics, Diagnoses, Medical Interventions, Prescriptions, Medications/Drugs, Side effects, Lab/Microbiology Tests, Progress notes)

d. MIMIC Data set
i. Description ii. Data Types iii. Data Preprocessing (missing values, etc.) iv. Data base schema

e. Programming Exercise with python for Analysis and visualization of medical data using libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, etc
Start date07/10/2024
End date07/10/2024
Academic ResponsibilityPANAGIOTIS SYMEONIDIS
Sessions1 Health Data Management

Teaching Unit 2: Privacy Protection of Sensitive Medical Data
Descriptiona. Anonymization Techniques

b. Date shifting

c. Format Conversion

d. Generalization of data interactions

e. K-Anonymity

f. Adding Noise in Data

e. Loss of Information

g. Differential Privacy (Central and Local DP) for sensitive health data.
Start date08/10/2024
End date08/10/2024
Academic ResponsibilityPANAGIOTIS SYMEONIDIS
Sessions1 Privacy Protection of Sensitive Medical Data

Teaching Unit 3: Classification algorithms for Static Data and Time Series
Descriptiona. Linear Regression

b. Logistic Regression

c. Decision Tree

d. Random Forest

e. Naïve Bayes Classifier

f. Feature Selection

i. Gini index ii. Entropy iii. x^2 statistic .
Start date09/10/2024
End date09/10/2024
Academic ResponsibilityPANAGIOTIS SYMEONIDIS
Sessions1 Classification algorithms for Static Data and Time Series.

Teaching Unit 4: Clustering of Medical Data and Genetic Algorithms.
Descriptiona. Clustering Algorithms

i. K-means ii. Hierarchical Clustering iii. DBSCAN iv. BFR algorithm (Bradley, Fayyad, and Reina)

b. Genetic Algorithms

i. Genetic Operations ii. The Architecture of a Genetic Algorithm iii. The Genetic Algorithm in pseudocode form iv. Step-by-Step Execution of the Genetic Algorithm

c. Programming Exercise with python for clustering with k-means algorithm the patients into groups of diabetes disease or not
Start date10/10/2024
End date10/10/2024
Academic ResponsibilityPANAGIOTIS SYMEONIDIS
Sessions1 Clustering of Medical Data and Genetic Algorithms.

Teaching Unit 5: Matrix Factorization for Health Data
Descriptiona. PCA decomposition

b. Singular Value Decomposition

c. UV-decomposition

d. CUR-decomposition

e. Tensor Decomposition

f. Programming Exercise with python to apply PCA to perform dimensionality reduction and bring into surface latent associations between drugs and unwanted side effects.
Start date11/10/2024
End date11/10/2024
Academic ResponsibilityPANAGIOTIS SYMEONIDIS
Sessions1 Matrix Factorization for Health Data

Teaching Unit 6: Machine learning algorithms for Image Processing and other complex medical signals
Descriptiona. Convolution Neural Networks I. CNN architecture II. Pooling Layers III. ResNet

b. Applications over different medical signals i. Electrocardiogram ECG ii. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) iii. Computed Tomography Scan c. Support Vector machines

I. Finding Optimal Separators with Gradient Descent II. Hard and Soft SVMs

d. Programming Exercise with python to apply image processing over CT scans and classify patients into COVID and non-COVID disease.
Start date12/10/2024
End date12/10/2024
Academic ResponsibilityPANAGIOTIS SYMEONIDIS
Sessions1 Machine learning algorithms for Image Processing and other complex medical signals

Teaching Unit 7: Reinforcement Learning, and Deep Neural Nets
Descriptiona. Markov Chain

b. Q-learning Algorithm

c. Deep Reinforcement Learning i. Deep Q-Network ii. Double Deep Q-Network/A2C iii. Optimal Insulin Dose Prediction for Diabetes Patients

c. Multi-layer perceptron i. Activation Functions ii. Loss Functions

iii. Regression Loss iv. Classification Loss d. Recurrent Neural Networks

i. Vanishing and Exploding Gradients ii. Long Sort Term Memory LSTM

e. Programming Exercise with Python to predict the optimal insulin dose for patient with diabetes using tabular Q-learning algorithm.
Start date13/10/2024
End date13/10/2024
Academic ResponsibilityPANAGIOTIS SYMEONIDIS
Sessions1 Reinforcement Learning, and Deep Neural Nets

Teaching Unit 8: 8. Graph algorithms
Descriptiona. Local based similarity algorithms (Shortest Path i. Common Neighbors, Jaccard similarity index, Salton similarity index, Adamic & Adar similarity index, Preferential Attachement.

b. Global-based algorithms i. Random Walk with Restart ii. SimRank iii. PathSim

c. Graph Convolution networks

d. Graph Embeddings

e. Programming Exercise with Python to predict drug combinations to patients and explain the predictions using graph data (patient nodes, treatment node, drug node).
Start date14/10/2024
End date14/10/2024
Academic ResponsibilityPANAGIOTIS SYMEONIDIS
Sessions1 Medical Systems based on graph algorithms

Teaching Unit 9: Evaluation Metrics of Prediction Models in Health
Descriptiona. Confusion Matrix

b. Precision, Recall, and NDCG

c. Precision-Recall and ROC curves

d. MAE, RMSE for Optimal Drug Dose Prediction

e. Beyond Accuracy Metrics

i. Explainability in Health

f. Programming Exercise with Python to recommend drug combinations to patients and measure quantitatively the predictions along with the unwanted side effects they have.
Start date15/10/2024
End date15/10/2024
Academic ResponsibilityPANAGIOTIS SYMEONIDIS
Sessions1 New Trends and Apps in Health Care

Teaching Unit 10: Large Language Models, ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering
Descriptioni. Smart Medical Watches ii. Smart Medical Devices. b. Large Language Models, and Prompt Engineering

i. Application of AI algorithms over medical progress notes. ii. Vector space model and TF-IDF iii ChatGPT and RAG

c. Programming Exercise with Python to send the electronic health record of a patient to ChatGPT API using a prompt request (prompt engineering) and get a possible therapeutic prediction based on the given vital signs.
Start date16/10/2024
End date16/10/2024
Academic ResponsibilityPANAGIOTIS SYMEONIDIS
Sessions1 New Trends and Apps in Health Care


Contact Details: PANAGIOTIS SYMEONIDIS [psymeon(at) - Phone 00306973882408]


Discounts - Terms of use:

Discount Policy
The Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Center (CE-LLC) of the University of the Aegean reserves the right to change the rates and categories of discounts and other offers on the original tuition prices throughout the current Study Cycle without prior notice.

Early registration discount: 10%

The application for registration is a Responsible Declaration and therefore the completed data must be true and accurate so that the issued Training Certificates, Certificates and other documents are valid. For any discrepancy that arises, CE-LLC is not obliged to reissue the above documents while it reserves the right to recall it.

Validity of submitted supporting documents
In order to document the validity of the discounts selected in the registration form, the trainee must send the relevant documents to the secretariat of the respective training program before the start of the selected program. According to article 28 of Law 4305/2014, the CE-LLC may carry out an ex officio check of the authenticity of the documents submitted by the trainee. In case of non-timely dispatch or non-confirmation of the validity of the submitted documents, the CE-LLC reserves the right to revoke the granted discount and to claim any resulting financial difference as well as to cancel any issue of any Certificate and/or Certificate of Training.

Visitor’s/user’s obligations
The user of the website of the educational platforms and the videoconferencing platforms must, on the one hand, comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, European and International Law and the relevant legislation governing telecommunications, and on the other hand, refrain from any illegal and abusive use of the website's content and services. It is expressly specified that personal access codes may not be given to any third party. Also, every visitor / user of the website must behave politely and discreetly during the use of the above, while the adoption of practices of unfair competition or others that are contrary to the commonly accepted rules of behavior of Internet users (Netiquette) is prohibited.
Any damage caused to the website or/and the platforms of modern/ asynchronous education or the Network in general resulting from the misuse or improper use of the relevant services by the user/visitor is solely his/her own responsibility, and the University of the Aegean may delete him/her from its educational community without any financial compensation and reimbursement of tuition fees. In addition, any moral or reputational damage caused by the user's failure to use proper and discrete behavior in his/her communication with the individual teaching, technical and administrative support teams is the sole responsibility of the user, and the University of Aegean may remove him/her from the educational community without any financial compensation and refund of fees. For any comments, remarks or/and suggestions, the trainees should be addressed exclusively to the secretariats of the individual training programs or to the secretariat of CE-LLC.

Participation in courses and Issuance of Certificate
- There is no restriction of gender, race, nationality, religion or other discrimination in participation in the training programs of CE-LLC.
- The acceptance and participation of the trainees re-adjust their full understanding of the program and the respective Program Guide
- The CE-LLC, reserves the right to adjust the schedule of the courses, the instructors as well as to postpone or cancel the availability of the Programs by informing the registered participants.
- In order to serve them better, the trainees should mention while contacting with the CE-LLC, their full name, the exact title of the program they are participating in, the Academic Coordinator and the start date of the program.
- If there are outstanding financial issues, the CE-LLC reserves the right to temporarily suspend or/and deactivate the access of the trainees to the e-learning platforms of modern and asynchronous learning.
- The award of the Certificate of Training requires the participation of the trainees in the assigned evaluation activities and on the basis of the evaluation criteria set by the respective training program.
- If there are outstanding financial issues, no Training Certificate will be awarded for any of the individual teaching modules of a Program, nor for the whole Program.

- A prerequisite for the granting of certificates before the completion of a training program is the payment of at least part of the tuition corresponding to the Educational Modules that it is confirmed that the trainee attended.

Technical Conditions
To participate in the online training, a modern computer and internet access are required at least.
Specifically, for optimal and uninterrupted access and work in the Asynchronous and especially the Modern e-learning System, it is recommended that the interested parties have the following:
1. Modern computer with multimedia capabilities (microphone, speakers or headphones, camera).
2. ADSL connection for Internet access, with a minimum required Internet connection speed of 4 Mbps.
However, additional technical requirements may be required by the individual training programs, if deemed appropriate for their smooth running.

Any material, trademark or other intellectual property of this website is the property of the University of the Aegean and is subject to the relevant legislation on the protection of intellectual property, with the exception of the expressly recognized rights of third parties. Its reproduction, modification/copying/rental/borrowing/broadcasting and transmission without permission is prohibited. Exceptionally, the individual storage and copying of parts of the content on a simple personal computer for strictly personal use is permitted, without any intention of commercial or other exploitation and always provided that the source of the content is indicated, without this in any way implying the granting of intellectual property rights.

Prioritisation of Programs
In the context of promoting a program, the CE-LLC may inform -only in an advisory capacity- the interested public about the possibility of using a training certificate in terms of its possible awarding, based on the institutional framework in force at the time of the program's launch. However, the classification of training as a qualification depends on the criteria of the calls for proposals as defined by the bodies issuing them at the time of their issue, and the interested parties should contact these bodies for clarification and are solely responsible for investigating classification issues.

Cancellation of Programs - Tuition Refunds
The training programs will only be implemented if the required number of trainees has been secured.
A refund of tuition fees is possible only in exceptional cases and only if the applicant informs the secretariat in writing before the start of the program that he/she does not wish to attend, stating in detail the reasons for discontinuing the training. The written request is examined by the Scientific Coordinator of each training program and he/she decides on it. In such cases and in order not to be burdened with possible bank charges or administration costs of the Special Account for Research Funding, the student may apply for a credit of his/her tuition fees for attending another Program of the same training action, i.e. a Program with the same Scientific Coordinator. The amount credited, if not used up, is not refundable, but remains at the participant's disposal for future use.
In cases of tuition refund decisions, if the CE-LLC is responsible for the refund, the financial difference due is refunded without any additional charge.
In cases of non-culpability of the University of the Aegean, the applicant is responsible for any financial difference due, bearing any bank charges and an additional 10% of the administration costs of the Special Account for Research Funds.

Program evaluation
Participation in the Program Evaluation: The completion of the anonymous Training Program Evaluation Questionnaire by the trainees aims to ensure the quality of the educational services provided, in accordance with the provisions of Article 115 of Law No. 4957/2022 and the Regulation of the CE-LLC of the University of the Aegean. The questionnaire is posted on the asynchronous tele-education platform during the last month of the program implementation, with the activation of the last evaluation activity of the program together. The completion of the questionnaire is optional and is part of the academic activities of the trainees.

Extension of academic obligations
Any extension in the academic obligations of the trainees as well as the procedure for issuing the training certificates for the trainee(s) who have successfully completed the program may not exceed six (6) months from the date of completion of the program, based on the approval decision. In exceptional cases, following a well-founded request by a trainee and a reasoned decision by the Council of the CE-LLC, the extension provided for in the previous subparagraph may be granted for a period of up to one (1) year from the date of completion of the program, based on the approval decision.